Tag Archives: Trump Family

Jesse Dollemore: ‘Shameless Republicans Go To Court With Donald Trump & PUBLICLY KISS HIS ASS Outside!!!’

Source:Jesse Dollemore talking about Senate MAGA’s loyalty for their Dear Leader Donald J. Trump. Source:The New Democrat “Jesse talks about the cult-like devotion of sycophantic clingers-on to Donald Trump’s coattails in hopes of getting a prominent role in his potential … Continue reading

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CNN: ‘Maggie Haberman Makes Prediction On Ivanka Trump’s Tactic For Testimony’

Source:CNN– political analyst & New York Times national political reporter Maggie Haberman, talking about Donald Trump’s 1st daughter, Ivanka Trump. Source:The New Democrat “CNN political analyst Maggie Haberman joins “CNN This Morning” to discuss Ivanka Trump’s upcoming testimony in her … Continue reading

Posted in CNN, The New Democrat | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | 2 Comments