Tag Archives: States Rights

Dan Mitchell: ‘The Fiscal Case For Federalism’

Source:Dan Mitchell being interviewed about federalism.  “Fixing entitlement programs is the the most pressing fiscal need in Washington. In a discussion with the Club for Growth Foundation, I explain that we also need federalism – i.e., shifting programs to the … Continue reading

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Justin Stapley: ‘The Cultural War & Federalism’

“Federalism is one of the few political mechanisms that benefits everyone. All sides of the political divide should be wary of allowing it to become a casualty in the ever-escalating culture war. The system of federalism created by the Constitution … Continue reading

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The Millennial Federalist: Federalist Coalition- An Awakening of Federalism

You can also see this post at The Daily View, on WordPress. “In which John Green teaches you about the United States Constitution. During and after the American Revolutionary War, the government of the new country operated under the Articles of … Continue reading

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Liberty Pen: Firing Line With William F. Buckley- Ronald Reagan (1967)

Source:Liberty Pen– Governor Ronald W. Reagan (Republican, California) on Firing Line With William F. Buckley, in 1967. Source:The New Democrat  “In 1967, newly elected California governor Ronald Reagan sat down with William F. Buckley Jr to discuss states’ rights. Liberty Pen.” … Continue reading

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The National Memo: Froma Harrop: Progressives Don’t Need Washington All That Much

The New Democrat The National Memo: Opinion: Froma Harrop: Progressives Don’t Need Washington All That Much There’s a tiny little state in New England right next door of New Hampshire which is happens to be the Libertarian Republic of New … Continue reading

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The History TV: Thomas Jefferson American Republic

Source:FRS FreeState There is a debate in the United States about what is America according to our own Constitution. Are we a republic or a democracy, the fact is we are both, but then why are we both and how … Continue reading

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Nido History: The Federalists vs. Anti-Federalist Debate

Source:The New Democrat  I like what the guy said in the video. That we have a federalist form of government, but where the Federal Government is part of that system, but not the only government. That we don’t have a … Continue reading

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Keith Hughes: US Federalism For Dummies: American Government Review

Source:The New Democrat  Federalism for dummies or for people who aren’t capable of learning anything important or staying awake unless the lesson is given in an MTV like format especially in our valley pop culture world. But Keith Hughes does … Continue reading

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Salon: Michael Lind: The South is Holding America Hostage

FreeState MD Salon: Opinion: Michael Lind: The South is Holding America Hostage I seem to be writing a lot of responses lately to people who are on the lets say on the social democratic left in America who do not … Continue reading

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Firing Line With William F. Buckley: George C. Wallace- ‘The Wallace Crusade (1968)’

Source:Firing Line With William F. Buckley– interviewing Governor George C. Wallace (Independent, Alabama) in 1968. Source:The New Democrat “WFB had sharply criticized Mr. Wallace in print, both for his once-adamant attachment to segregation and for his New Deal statism, and … Continue reading

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