Tag Archives: Ronald Reagan Administration

Ronald Reagan: Talking About One America and American Pluralism

Source:The New Democrat “Let me speak plainly: The United States of America is and must remain a nation of openness to people of all beliefs. Our very unity has been strengthened by this pluralism. That’s how we began; this is … Continue reading

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David Stockman: ‘Today’s Pathetic GOP: Talks Like Barry Goldwater, Spends Like LBJ’

Source:The New Democrat – Mr. Conservative U.S. Senator Barry Goldwater. You can also see this post on Blogger. You can also see this post at The Daily Times, on Blogger. “Here is the portrait of a dysfunctional party: On Tuesday, the House Republicans … Continue reading

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Bob Parker: ABC World News January 6, 1987: The 100th Congress and The Iran Contra Investigation

Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat Early 1987 and really the whole 1987 year was a bad one for President Ronald Reagan and the Reagan Administration. Republicans, lost the Senate in 1986 which gave Congressional Democrats … Continue reading

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The American Conservative: James Antle: ‘Five Ways Reagan Nostalgia Misleads Conservatives’

Source:The American Conservative– Ronald W. Reagan (Republican, California) 40th President of the United States (1981-89) Source:The New Democrat “This week marks Ronald Reagan’s 103rd birthday. Non-conservatives often mock the right’s nostalgia for the fortieth president, but the enthusiasm is as … Continue reading

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The Film Archives: ‘The War on Drugs Is a Failure’

Source:The Film Archives– a humorous look at the War On Drugs. Source:FRS FreeState “The War on Drugs is a campaign of prohibition and foreign military aid and military intervention being undertaken by the United States government, with the assistance of … Continue reading

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Reagan Foundation: A Reagan Forum With Dennis Prager

Source:The FreeState Dennis Prager, a right-wing radio talk show host, is right about one thing. The right-wing and the Republican Party has forgotten about Ronald Reagan and what Reagan conservatism actually is and what it means. President Reagan left the … Continue reading

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Jason Wright: ‘Tribute to Ronald Reagan (2006)’

Source:Jason Wright– President Ronald W. Reagan (Republican, California) 40th President of the United States (1981-89) Source:The FreeState “I created this more than ten years ago for a special dinner in Washington called the Ronald Reagan Award Gala. Seems his messages … Continue reading

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Reagan Foundation: President Ronald Reagan’s 1982 State of The Union Address

Source:The FreeState If you listen to President Reagan’s 1982 State of the Union Speech and then listen to President Obama’s 2009, or 2010 State of the Union speeches, they are similar at least in this sense. “Times are tough as … Continue reading

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James Miller Center: President Ronald Reagan- Address on Tax and Budget Legislation August 16, 1982: A Reverse of Course?

Source: The FreeState In the late 1970s 1978 or 79, Republican Senator Bill Roth who was on the Senate Finance Committee and Republican Representative Jack Kemp, over in the House, together introduced the Kemp-Roth bill in the House and Senate. … Continue reading

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J Branstetter: President Ronald Reagan- Taxes and Budget Deficit: October, 1987

Source:J Branstetter– President Ronald W. Reagan (Republican, California) deficits don’t matter? (1987) Source:The FreeState “Listen to the camera shutters when he moves his hands, they go crazy. President Ronald Reagan talks about the effects of different types of taxes on … Continue reading

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