Tag Archives: Iran Contra

Bob Parker: ABC World News January 6, 1987: The 100th Congress and The Iran Contra Investigation

Source: This piece was originally posted at The New Democrat Early 1987 and really the whole 1987 year was a bad one for President Ronald Reagan and the Reagan Administration. Republicans, lost the Senate in 1986 which gave Congressional Democrats … Continue reading

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PBS: Mark Russell Special (1987)

Source:PBS– political satirist Mark Russell. Source:The Daily Times “It’s three days since the 1987 stock market crash, and Mark is singing the bear market blues away. He also jokes about the recent turbulence in the airline industry & takes us … Continue reading

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Oak Park Studio: Video: CNN’s Crossfire Discusses Dan Rather-George H.W. Bush Tiff on CBS

This post was originally posted at The New Democrat on Blogger What Dan Rather wanted Vice President George H.W. Bush to talk about in their 1988 interview was what did the Vice President know about Iran Contra. Which was a … Continue reading

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