CNN: ‘Nonsense’: George Conway Reacts To Attorney Who Said Donald Trump Did Nothing Wrong

CNN_ ‘Nonsense’_ George Conway Reacts To Attorney Who Said Donald Trump Did Nothing WrongSource:CNN– left to right: Defendant Don legal spinmeister Will Scharf & Donald Trump hater George Conway. 

Source:The New Democrat

“Conservative lawyer George Conway reacts to Trump attorney Will Scharf who argued the jury in the former president’s hush money trial should acquit Trump based on the evidence presented so far.”

From CNN

“Cohen, who was Trump’s lawyer and self-described “fixer,” is expected to face days of questioning over a payment that’s at the center of the charges against his former boss.

Michael Cohen — the most pivotal witness in the Manhattan district attorney’s historic criminal case against Donald Trump — testified Monday about the hush money deals he said he helped arrange at the direction of his former boss in order to benefit Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — including burying what Cohen feared would be one woman’s “catastrophic” allegation if it ever became public.

Trump, Cohen said, desperately wanted to silence porn actress Stormy Daniels, whose claims of a 2006 sexual encounter the then-presidential candidate feared would be a “total disaster” for his campaign. “Women are going to hate me” if her story becomes public, Cohen quoted Trump as telling him.

In the witness box, Cohen was seated about 10 feet from Trump, whom he has repeatedly mocked on social media and in interviews, including since the start of the trial. Trump is not directly in Cohen’s line of sight — he had to stand up and lean over when asked to point Trump out to the jury…

From NBC News

I agree with George Conway here and I’ll explain why.

Conway is arguing that Will Scharf was arguing that unless Donald J. Trump personally ordered Michael Cohen and company to cover up his Stormy affair (pun intended) with Stephanie Clifford (also known as Stormy Daniels) and personally ordered Michael Cohen to pay her and Karen McDougal off in October, 2016, that there’s no crime here.

But what Scharf and company are missing here is that Donald Trump didn’t have to personally dream up this scheme to prevent the American voters from finding out about this affair before the 2016 presidential election. He just had to be aware of it, had to personally sign off on on it, and the personally paid her off with his own money.

And we’ll see how the cross-examination goes this week or next week, but it looks like thanks to Michael Cohen, as well as all the phone calls, the business records, the previous witnesses who were part of Donald Trump’s 2016 campaign, as well as working for him at Trump Organization, as well his allies outside of Trump Org., and of course Stephanie Clifford’s testimony last week, that the Manhattan DA is well on their way now to proving their case against Donald J. Trump.

About FredSchneiderUS

I'm a blogger who deals mostly with current affairs, public policy, politics, and history, who concentrates primarily on people who might be called Classical Progressives today, people who are to the left of Conservatives and Liberals (or Classical Conservatives and Liberals, if you prefer) but to the right of Democratic Socialists and Communists. But I also blog about Hollywood and sports as well.
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1 Response to CNN: ‘Nonsense’: George Conway Reacts To Attorney Who Said Donald Trump Did Nothing Wrong

  1. Pingback: Ben Meieselas: ‘Donald Trump’s Body SHUTS DOWN As Michael Cohen TESTIFIES At Trial’ | The New Democrat

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