Ben Meieselas: ‘Donald Trump’s Body SHUTS DOWN As Michael Cohen TESTIFIES At Trial’

Meidas Touch_ Donald Trump’s Body SHUTS DOWN As Michael Cohen TESTIFIES At TrialSource:Meidas Touch– left to right: Defendant Don & his lawyer Susan Necheles. 

“MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump knocking out and falling asleep during the key moment at his criminal trial when Michael Cohen is testifying.” 

From the Meidas Touch

As my colleague Fred Schneider mentioned earlier today: 

“Conway is arguing that Will Scharf was arguing that unless Donald J. Trump personally ordered Michael Cohen and company to cover up his Stormy affair (pun intended) with Stephanie Clifford (also known as Stormy Daniels) and personally ordered Michael Cohen to pay her and Karen McDougal off in October, 2016, that there’s no crime here.

But what Scharf and company are missing here is that Donald Trump didn’t have to personally dream up this scheme to prevent the American voters from finding out about this affair before the 2016 presidential election. He just had to be aware of it, had to personally sign off on on it, and the personally paid her off with his own money.” 

From The New Democrat

If you are following the recent media reports about Michael Cohen’s relationship between Donald J. Trump and his Trump Organization, you would thunk it was a good episode of Married With Children. (For anyone who sees this whose old enough to remember the 1980s and 90s) Where it looks like the two adults in the family just flat-out hate each other. I don’t doubt they hate each other now. But if you look and listen to Michael Cohen’s testimony today, he was as loyal to Mr. Trump (or The Boss) before he went to prison for him in 2019. 

Cohen doesn’t come off as a scorned witness, who was screwed over by the defendant and now see this as his opportunity to screw over the man he went to prison for. He was simply there to tell the jury what his role was when he worked for Donald J. Trump at Trump Organization.

Cohen was Mr’s Trump’s fixer, his hatchet man who made problems for Mr. Trump go away. That’s what his role was in October, 2016 when the Stormy affair (pun intended) involving Stephanie Clifford (also known as Stormy Daniels) broke.

Cohen’s job in coordination with David Pecker, was to make that story go way. And according to Michael Cohen under The Boss’s orders. To paraphrase Hope Hicks: Michael Cohen wasn’t a freelancer for Donald Trump. He took orders from The Boss. And the Stormy affair is just one example of that. And apparently this job made Cohen feel very powerful for 10 years. 

As far as Donald J. Trump’s family not being in Manhattan to support their father: actually, not even his son-in-law, not even his daughter-in-law, (who I guess is to busy bankrupting the Republican National Committee, to be in town to support her father-in-law) not even his future daughter-in-law, Kimberly Guilfoyle, hell, not even his own damn wife Melania, (who took a verbal beating from Michael Cohen today) or his two adult sons and his two daughters were in court today to show their personal support for their father, father-in-law, future father-in-law, and husband. What a family. Or should I say: what a business empire? All he has now are his MAGA men and sometimes MAGA women.

As far as Donald J. Trump falling asleep in court: you know, it wasn’t The New Democrat who nicknamed him “Sleepy Don”. There were stories when he was President of the United States where he would show up to work at The White House at around 11AM or noon, and leave around 4 or 5PM. And if I’m a juror, and I’m giving up 4 weeks of my life to sit and judge this man at his criminal trial, I would think he could be decent enough to do the same thing for me. Sleepy Don can’t look good in front of the jury.

You can also see this post on Blogger.

About kireschneider

I’m primarily a current affairs blogger focusing on center-right Republican conservatism and progressivism. But current affairs, public policy, and history, are not my only subjects as a blogger. Which is one reason why I’ve also written for The Daily Review USA Blog. I’m also interested in Classic Hollywood, especially actresses and actors, but films and TV as well, as well as humor and lifestyle
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