Reason: Katherine Mangu-Ward- Interviewing Dave Barry: ‘Dave Barry Is Running for President (Again)’

Dave Barry Is Running for President (Again)

Source:Reason Magazine– If you look at our current politicians and political candidates: why not comedian Dave Barry For President?

Source:The New Democrat 

“Dave Barry is the author of approximately eleventy billion books and the recipient of exactly one Pulitzer Prize. For four decades he wrote a weekly column, syndicated from his home base at the Miami Herald, and he is the author of an annual, despairing, hilarious “Year in Review.”

Barry’s books formed the basis for a short-lived show about his life, Dave’s World, and his novel Big Trouble was made into a film of the same name. It’s the story of a group of miscreants who wind up inadvertently stealing a nuclear suitcase and hijacking a plane due to their own incompetence. The film was set to be released—inauspiciously—on September 12, 2001.

In June, Reason’s Katherine Mangu-Ward sat down with Barry to talk about his new book, Lessons from Lucy, America’s strategic helium reserve (which Barry last discussed with Reason in 1994), jokes he can’t tell anymore, and his perennial vaguely libertarian campaign for the presidency.”

Read more at Reason Magazine

The only thing that really makes Dave Barry different from politicians running for President, is that Barry is a professional comedian whose actual job is to make people laugh. Unlike our career politicians who sure, sound like they’re part of some Saturday Night Live political skit, or a movie that’s a political satire.

So if Donald Trump, can not just run for President but actually win the presidency and put America though this long national nightmare, or Mayor Bill DeBlasio who is not even popular in his own city, or a Socialist from Vermont can run for President from a major party, if Mitch McConnell, who is probably the biggest hypocrite not just in Congress, but all of Washington can run the U.S. Senate, then why not a professional comedian be able to run for President and we can see a Saturday Night Live comedy skit in real life.

Dave Barry Is Running for President (Again) - Google Search

Source:Reason Magazine– All aboard the Bernie Express

Source:Reason Magazine

“America’s favorite libertarian humorist on fake news, Florida, getting woke, and getting old.

Dave Barry is the author of approximately eleventy billion books and the recipient of exactly one Pulitzer Prize. For four decades he wrote a weekly column, syndicated from his home base at the Miami Herald, and he is the author of an annual, despairing, hilarious “Year in Review.”

Barry’s books formed the basis for a short-lived show about his life, Dave’s World, and his novel Big Trouble was made into a film of the same name. It’s the story of a group of miscreants who wind up inadvertently stealing a nuclear suitcase and hijacking a plane due to their own incompetence. The film was set to be released—inauspiciously—on September 12, 2001.

In June, Reason’s Katherine Mangu-Ward sat down with Barry to talk about his new book, Lessons from Lucy, America’s strategic helium reserve (which Barry last discussed with Reason in 1994), jokes he can’t tell anymore, and his perennial vaguely libertarian campaign for the presidency.

Interview by Katherine Mangu-Ward. Intro by Todd Krainin. Edited by Ian Keyser. Cameras by Krainin and Mark McDaniel.”

About Ederik Schneider

I’m a Liberal (or Classical Liberal, if you prefer) blogger, who specializes in the real liberalism, (as we call it) as well as Libertarians and libertarianism, for The New Democrat. But I also blog about Classic Hollywood, sports history, and from time to time, women’s fashion and lifestyle in general.
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