Derryck Green: ‘Who Are the Racists: Conservatives or Liberals?’

Source:The New Democrat

“In my Prager University lecture, I argue against the slander of racism that the left directs at conservatives. It’s a reflexive mantra to retain power,” said Project 21’s Green. “Despite the fact that conservatives come in all colors and have ample compassion for blacks and others, the racism charge still hurts. I would further suggest that liberals and leftists are actually more racist. They are preoccupied by race, and they constantly inject it where it shouldn’t be.”

In his first Prager University video lecture, which was viewed on YouTube almost 70,000 times in the first 48 hours after it was posted, Green said:

To say that racism is foolish and stupid — not to mention evil — is to understate the case. But, according to many of their critics, conservatives are that stupid and that evil. But, with few exceptions, conservatives are neither. So why is the charge even made? The answer is primarily political: to maintain black support for liberals and liberal policies.

Using racial preferences as an example, Green added:

Conservatives believe that blacks and other minorities are every bit as capable as whites of succeeding as policemen, firemen, businessmen, lawyers, doctors, politicians and college students. Yet, for this belief, conservatives are called racist. The irony, of course, is that those who accuse conservatives of being racist believe that blacks and other minorities are not as capable as whites of succeeding and therefore still need affirmative action almost half a century after it was first implemented.

Green also debunked liberal allegations about conservative-led attempts to protect American voters through commonsense polling place protections such as voter ID and school choice.

Prager University, founded by author and talk radio host Dennis Prager, is a web-based learning resource founded to “promot[e] knowledge and clarity” on difficult and sometimes controversial topics related to fields such as political science, economics and history. Besides Green, other members of the Prager University faculty are columnist and Fox News Channel commentator George Will, American Enterprise Institute president Arthur Brooks, economist and author Walter Williams and investor George Gilder. In addition to working with high schools and universities across America, Prager University also works with families who homeschool their children.

Green’s relationship with Prager University began last August after he was a guest on Prager’s talk radio program to discuss his recent New Visions Commentary for Project 21 on the issue of “race fatigue.” In the wake of the George Zimmerman trial in Florida, Green wrote about his frustration with the “racial grievance industry”: “All this talk about race seems intentionally shortsighted and disingenuous. It simply implicates whites and infantilizes the black man.”

Commenting on his addition to the Prager University faculty, Green said: “I would like to thank Dennis Prager and Prager University for giving me an opportunity to not only bring attention to Project 21, but to do so in a way that defends conservatives and conservatism.”

Every month, among his other work with Project 21 on a wide variety of topics, Green writes an analysis of the Obama economy and its effect on the American public. This analysis is posted the first Friday of each month in conjunction with the release of unemployment data from the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. They can be found on “Amy Ridenour’s National Center Blog” at

In 2014, Project 21 members have been interviewed or cited by the media on current events over 1,500 times, including by the Fox News Special Report with Bret Baier, the O’Reilly Factor, Fox and Friends, CNN’s Situation Room, Salem Radio Network, Sean Hannity, Jim Bohannon, Conservative Commandos Radio, Bill Martinez, Radio America, American Urban Radio Network, Bill Cunningham, Roger Hedgecock, Mike Siegel, Dana Loesch, Thom Hartmann, Progressive Radio Network, The Blaze, EurWeb, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, SiriusXM satellite radio, TVOne, the Philadelphia Inquirer, the Orlando Sentinel and 50,000-watt talk radio stations including WBZ-Boston, WJR-Detroit, KDKA-Pittsburgh and WLW-Cincinnati.

Project 21 has also participated in several cases before the U.S. Supreme Court over the years regarding race preferences and voting rights and also defended voter ID laws at the United Nations. Its volunteer members come from all walks of life and are not salaried political professionals.

Project 21, a leading voice of black conservatives for over two decades, is sponsored by the National Center for Public Policy Research ((

Contributions to the National Center are tax-deductible and greatly appreciated.”

From Project 21

“In his inaugural lecture for Prager University, Project 21’s Derryck Green dispelled the myth that conservatives are racist:

“To say that racism is foolish and stupid — not to mention evil — is to understate the case. But according to many of their critics, conservatives are that stupid and that evil. But, with few exceptions, conservatives are neither. So why is the charge even made? The answer is primarily political: to maintain black support for liberals and liberal policies.”

This small excerpt from Prager University, posted on 10/15/14 and featuring Project 21’s Derryck Green, has been posted under fair use guidelines for the purpose of non-profit, educational public debate by the National Center for Public Policy Research, a 501(c)(3) educational foundation under the Internal Revenue Code.”

Project 21's Derryck Green Debunks Myth of Conservative Racism

Source:National Center For Public Policy Research– Derryck Greene.

From National Center For Public Policy Research

Derryck Greene goes into a long litany of things arguing why I guess the so-called Liberals are the real racists and why the so-called Conservatives are not racists. But the fact is just asking the question: “Who are the real racists: the Liberals or the Conservatives? Is like asking who won the 1961 World Series: the Los Angeles Lakers or Boston Celtics? It’s a ridiculous question.

The reason why you get ridiculous questions like this, is because you have hyper-partisan people, who call themselves Liberals or Conservatives,  on both the left-wing (to be kind) and the right-wing (to be kind) fringes in America, accusing the other side of being racists or some other type of bigot, simply for not supporting their partisan policies and political agendas. But the fact is, both liberalism and conservatism, are both very pluralistic political political philosophies. (At least in the classic sense, meaning the real sense)

The real bigots in America, represent the fringes of the the left-wing and right-wings of America. Black Nationalists and other Socialists of all racial and ethnic backgrounds, who believe that the only time that any European-American does well in America, at least European-American men, it’s because they come from over-privilege backgrounds, or were given opportunities simply because of their race. As well as ultra-Nationalists on the Far-Right, who still live in 1955 politically, culturally, and everything else, who still haven’t gotten over the fact that women can even vote, let alone run for office, or get elected to anything, let along run and own large private companies on their own, as well as minorities and gays who have the same political and cultural power as Anglo-Saxon-Protestant men.

I could respond to everything that Derryck Greene said about affirmative action and voter ID. But his original question is ridiculous, and needs to be cleared up and corrected. Liberals and Conservatives aren’t racist, for the simple fact that neither political faction judges individuals based on race.

About Rik Schneider

Blogger/writer on a lot of different subjects.
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