Tag Archives: James Comer

Jesse Dollemore: ‘Democrat UTTERLY DEVESTATES Marjorie Taylor Greene With One Single Sentence’

Source:Jesse Dollemore talking about Crazy Marge (as Tim Miller from The Bullwark calls Marjorie T. Greene) Source:The New Democrat “Jesse talks about a heated exchange from a House Oversight Committee hearing late last night in which Marjorie Taylor Greene started … Continue reading

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Ben Meiselas: ‘GOP Leader Accidentally GIVES AWAY The End Game For their Donald Trump 2024 Plan’

Source:Meidas Touch– U.S. Representative James Comer (Republican, Kentucky) Source:The New Democrat “MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on the latest interview by MAGA Republican leader James Comer who admits his focus is on manipulating public perception instead of the facts and … Continue reading

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