Anderson Cooper Keeping MAGA Honest

CNN_ Anderson Cooper Breaks Down GOP ‘Backflips’ After Donald Trump VerdictSource:CNN anchor Anderson Cooper keeping them (meaning MAGA) honest.

Source:The New Democrat

“CNN’s Anderson Cooper breaks down the GOP response to former President Donald Trump’s hush money trial conviction. Cooper discusses with former Republican governor of Arkansas, Asa Hutchinson.”

From CNN

Just to correct one other thing that Donald Trump said: the only reason why he didn’t “lock her up” when talking about Hillary Clinton, is because he couldn’t get any of his attorney generals, or deputy attorney generals, and any of his U.S. attorney’s to do that for him. It’s one of the reasons why he fired his first Attorney General Jeff Sessions, along with Attorney General Sessions recusing himself from the Russia investigation in 2017.

Just to be clear: we’re not attacking the Republican Party as a whole, here at The New Democrat. I don’t think the so-called mainstream media makes that clear enough when they produce negative pieces about the Republican Party. We just go after MAGA, as well as establishment Republicans who believe their political careers are too valuable to risk offending MAGA.

And of course MAGA are registered Republicans. But they’re not Republicans ideologically. They don’t believe in the U.S. Constitution, rule of law, separations of powers, limited government, etc, they don’t believe in the hardcore Republican principles that had guided the Republican Party, really since going back to Dwight Eisenhower, if not further.

And MAGA takes any negative news about any of their members, regardless of the facts and evidence in the story, as an attack on their movement and people they call real Americans. MAGA is a political cult. Not a political party or movement.

About FredSchneiderUS

I'm a blogger who deals mostly with current affairs, public policy, politics, and history, who concentrates primarily on people who might be called Classical Progressives today, people who are to the left of Conservatives and Liberals (or Classical Conservatives and Liberals, if you prefer) but to the right of Democratic Socialists and Communists. But I also blog about Hollywood and sports as well.
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