New Photo Evidence Corroborating Michael Cohen?

Newsweek: Michael Cohen Back On The StandSource:Newsweek with a look at Witness Mike & Defendant Don.

Source:The New Democrat

“Michael Cohen is back on the witness stand. Prosecutor Susan Hoffinger introduces the photograph into evidence after reading the stipulation to the jury. The picture shows Trump’s bodyguard Keith Schiller standing behind the former president, who is only seen by a sliver in the photo.

Cohen says he had “more than 20” conversations with Trump about the Daniels deal in October of 2016. Court is on another short break after some technical difficulties in playing an audio recording of a call between Cohen and Schiller.

Before lunch, the defense wrapped up its cross-examination of Cohen, the prosecution is now continuing its re-direct. If you’re just joining us, here’s a brief recap of what happened so far in court today.”

From Newsweek

“Merchan told both parties that the prosecution could recall their C-SPAN witness first thing tomorrow morning, but “if that doesn’t happen, we’re just going to proceed.” After conferring, however, attorneys for both parties agreed to introduce the still image taken from C-SPAN through the witness Michael Cohen.

The judge does not seem happy about how the timing shook out.

“We’re basically going to have a week down, where we’re sending the jury home for a week to do nothing,” Merchan said at one point.”

Huffington Post: Donald Trump's Hush Money Trial, Week 6_ Live UpdatesSource:Huffington Post with a good look at Witness Mike.

From The Huffington Post

Just like I don’t think you have to be a doctor to know when you have a headache, or an auto mechanic to know that your car is overheated or has a flat tire, a dentist to know that you have sore tooth, a teacher to know about the importance of education, you also don’t need to be a lawyer to know that when the defense is up and is cross-examining perhaps the most witness that the prosecution has, you can’t afford to exchange punches, especially jabs. (To use a boxing analogy) Especially after the incriminating case that the prosecution has already put on against their client.

The Manhattan DA has already established motive for why this hush money scheme was put together back in October, 2016 and the fact that is was still going on 2 years later. We even know who was involved in it, not just Donald J. Trump himself. We also know that it was this story and how it would affect the 2016 presidential campaign, not how it would affect Mr. Trump’s wife and son, that he was worried about.

So what has the defense established? Well, they haven’t established much of anything, so far, other than additional lies that Michael Cohen gave, but not to this jury. And the fact that he pocketed some of the money for himself, that was supposed to used to payoff Stephanie Clifford (also known as Stormy Daniels) and Karen McDougal.

And while the defense is establishing old facts, the prosecution has a new photo of Donald J. Trump and his bodyguard Keith Schiller, from the time that Cohen said he called Schiller to talk to Mr. Trump. As well as new corroborating witness from CSPAN (of all places) who saw them together, when Cohen said he was calling Schiller to talk to Mr. Trump. Guess what, the prosecution wins this exchange.

About FredSchneiderUS

I'm a blogger who deals mostly with current affairs, public policy, politics, and history, who concentrates primarily on people who might be called Classical Progressives today, people who are to the left of Conservatives and Liberals (or Classical Conservatives and Liberals, if you prefer) but to the right of Democratic Socialists and Communists. But I also blog about Hollywood and sports as well.
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