Farron Cousins: ‘Donald Trump Claims He Was TORTURED In Georgia Prison’

Farron Balanced_ Donald Trump Claims He Was TORTURED In Georgia PrisonSource:Farron Balanced talking about Defendant Don’s time in the Fulton County, Georgia Jail.

Source:The New Democrat

“In a campaign email to his supporters this week, Donald Trump claimed that he was “tortured” in a Georgia prison. The only problem with this claim is that it is completely untrue, as Trump only spent enough time in Fulton County jail to get a mugshot and have his fingerprints taken – a process that he said was pleasant at the time. He even said at the time that some of the jail workers were crying as they processed him. Farron Cousins explains what actually happened.”

From Farron Balanced

Just on a personal note first: if you are going to read back what someone else said live on air, as if you are speaking for the person, you might want to actually sound like the person that you are trying to impersonate.

Even though Donald Trump represents a lot of Americans who have claimed to have seen flying mushrooms and spaceships from other planets, who claimed to have lost their fast food jobs to illegal immigrants, Donald J. Trump is actually from Queens, New York and has lived in Manhattan for most of his life. He’s not some redneck from rural Georgia, or wherever Farron Cousins is from.

As far as Donald J. Trump claiming to have been tortured at the Atlanta Fulton County Jail: if you’ve never been in jail before, you might feel like that’s torture. I remember when he was indicted last summer in Atlanta and had to report to that jail to be officially arrested and arraigned, the former Mayor of Atlanta Keisha Lance Bottoms, was on MSNBC talking about the smell of that place. And saying that it smells like stale food, dirty laundry, body odor, etc. Maybe there’s an ounce of truth in what DJT is saying here. But an ounce is about all the credit that I’m willing to give him at this point.

DJT was at this jail for 30 minutes maybe. All they did was arrest him an arraign him. It’s not like he was even given a jailhouse baloney sandwich and cup of coffee to wash down the sandwich, let alone a cell. He wasn’t interrogated by the Atlanta detectives or anything like that. He wasn’t even given a tour of the facility. He was just there to get his photo taken and be fingerprinted.

About kireschneider

I’m primarily a current affairs blogger focusing on center-right Republican conservatism and progressivism. But current affairs, public policy, and history, are not my only subjects as a blogger. Which is one reason why I’ve also written for The Daily Review USA Blog. I’m also interested in Classic Hollywood, especially actresses and actors, but films and TV as well, as well as humor and lifestyle
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